Thursday, October 29, 2020

October 29, 2020

Dear Parents,

This week at school the students worked on their Humanities research project on the 6 Regions of Alberta. They are adding a slide on a specific animal from the region that they researched . Their info slide includes information on the characteristics, diet, predator/prey and facts. Feel free to ask your child about his/her choice of animal.

In math, we are focusing on "Number Patterns"; counting by a specific number and relating it to multiplication. Please ensure that your child practices on IXL math.

Our experiment on the decomposition of pumpkins is underway. Students are observing pumpkins in water, soil, air, vinegar and water. We will be having a quiz on "Waste in our World", on Monday. Please ensure that your child reviews the study guide in our Google Classroom.

I hope you all have a great weekend. Stay safe and healthy on Halloween.


  • No School tomorrow - PD Day
  • Candy Confusion math sheet is for homework
Photos of the Week:

Friday, October 16, 2020

Dear Mom and Dad,

    This week at school, we learned about natural waste and the ecosystem in Science.  We also dissected an owl pellet and discovered that owls eat a lot of rodents, small mammals such as mice, shrews, moles and birds. Feel free to ask me about this over the weekend.  

    In math, we learned about increasing and decreasing patterns. We described the rule of our patterns. Our class worked on representing numbers in a variety of ways too!

    Humanities involved working on a Google Slide Show of the 6 regions of Alberta. We hope to share these with you upon completion.

Important Information:
  • This year we will be dressing up for Halloween. Although there will be NO schoolwide parade, we will still do some fun activites in our own class.
  • Practise IXL math for 15 minutes and READ for 20 minutes daily. EPIC is a great resource for reading. Check out our Google Classroom!
Have a great weekend!

Ms. Sayani's class

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

September 30, 2020

Dear Parents,

The students have been learning about the importance of Orange Shirt Day and the impact residential schools had on indigenous people. Our class created an iMovie about Orange Shirt Day. It is a read aloud of the book titled "Shi Shi Etco". Please take some time to view it with your child.

here is the link.

In math, we conducted our first class survey. The students asked an essential question to their classmates and collected the data. The next day they made a bar graph and analyzed the graph. We are looking forward to learning about pie graphs next week.

We are engaged in learning about "Waste in our World". Feel free to ask your child about what happens to the garbage at the landfill. The students now know about the gases that are bad for the environment.

Important Information:

  • Terry Fox Run on Friday October 2 - students will participate in a walk/run for 20 minutes outdoors

  • Practice IXL Math and Read for a total of 30 minutes daily!

Have a great day!

Ms. Sayani

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Week of September 21-24

 Dear Parents,

This week in Literacy, the students have been writing using "Brain Pockets". Today they spent time writing about "Fact Pockets". Basically, they think of a topic that they have prior knowledge about and write factual information it. Topics included; turtles, pandas, cats and games.

In science, our students have been engaged in learning about the 5 R's of zero waste. We are going to look closely at this, and begin some experiments. The students picked colors of nature and glued the objects onto an artist pallet. Later during the week, we will be writing the colors in french. Feel free to ask your child about Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rot.

Students are engaged in various math centers that provide them with hands on learning about the different strands in math. One of the centers involves your child skip counting from various starting points to make the biggest scroll.

In humanities, we are learning about "Orange Shirt Day". Please ask your child who Phyllis Webstad is?


Sept 24 - Meet the teacher virtual night

Sept 25 - NO SCHOOL due to PD DAY

Practice IXL math and read for 15 minutes each

Photos Corner:

Have a great day!

Ms. Sayani

Class of Hearts

Week of March 8-11

  Dear Parents, The students in Grade 4 are busy working on a digital Learning Celebration to share with you. They are working in Book Creat...